Veteran actor Tiku Talsania, known for his unforgettable comic roles in iconic films like Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa and Ishq, has shocked his fans after falling seriously ill. On Friday evening, the 70-year-old actor was rushed to the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai following a medical emergency. Initial reports suggested that Tiku had suffered a heart attack, but his wife, Deepti Talsania, clarified the truth on Saturday.
Deepti explained, “It was a brain stroke, not a heart attack.” She went on to share how her husband had attended a movie screening earlier that evening, feeling unwell around 8 PM. Without wasting time, Tiku was swiftly taken to the hospital where he is now under observation and receiving treatment.
'Tiku Talsania is doing well and is under observation after falling ill’: Rashami Desai
— HT Entertainment (@htshowbiz) January 11, 2025
The incident took place right after Tiku’s appearance at a movie premiere, where he was seen exchanging pleasantries with colleagues and posing for the cameras. Actress Rashami Desai, who interacted with Tiku at the event, confirmed that he appeared in good spirits before the sudden health issue occurred. She recalled how, just moments after their meeting, Tiku complained of feeling unwell and was taken to the hospital.
Fans were left concerned when rumors of a heart attack began circulating. However, Deepti’s confirmation about the brain stroke has provided much-needed clarity. Rashami, who had met Tiku shortly before his medical emergency, shared her relief that Tiku is now surrounded by family and is doing better.
Tiku Talsania’s career spans decades, with his notable contributions to both comedy and drama. From Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahin to Dhamaal, he has left an indelible mark on Indian cinema. His children, son Rohaan and daughter Shikha, are also making their names in the entertainment industry, with Rohaan as a music composer and Shikha as an actress.
Tiku’s fans and well-wishers are eagerly awaiting updates on his recovery. In the meantime, Rashami Desai has encouraged everyone to keep Tiku in their prayers for a speedy recovery.
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