Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, best remembered for his legendary role as Bhishma Pitamah in the TV series Mahabharat, recently shared a fascinating account of why he declined a Hollywood film offer. This decision paved the way for Saeed Jaffrey, who later earned knighthood for the same project. Here’s the intriguing story behind this bold move.
After the success of Mahabharat, Mukesh Khanna was approached by Madhur Jaffrey, a renowned casting director with connections in Hollywood. The offer was for a film titled Krishna, which Khanna initially believed was connected to his association with Indian mythology. “She asked me to send my profile, but I insisted on knowing the story first,” Khanna revealed in an interview.
His demand for the script, however, didn’t sit well with Jaffrey. “She seemed frustrated and refused to share the script. Later, Saeed Jaffrey himself tried to convince me, but I stood firm. I told him, ‘I am not asking for much, just the story.’”
This persistence came at a cost. Mukesh Khanna lost the opportunity as the makers turned to other actors, including Shashi Kapoor, who also eventually passed on the role. The project eventually went to Saeed Jaffrey, who played a triple role in the Canadian film Masala. The film became a significant milestone for Jaffrey, earning him the honorific title “Sir Saeed Jaffrey.”
Reflecting on his decision, Mukesh Khanna expressed no regret. “Tell me, which actor today would let such an offer go? But for me, knowing the story was more important than chasing fame.” This principled stand highlights Khanna’s commitment to his craft and the values he upholds in his career.
Post-Mahabharat, Mukesh Khanna’s stardom soared as he took on the role of India’s first television superhero, Shaktimaan. His dedication to meaningful roles has earned him a special place in the hearts of Indian audiences, proving that success is not always about seizing every opportunity but about staying true to oneself.
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